Watch Those Triggers

Your response to any trigger is crucial. The responses below can help you cut down and help you stay smoke-free when you quit. Do something like these:

• Have something to eat. (Carrot or celery sticks are good if you are trying not to gain weight. You can also chew sugarless gum or drink a glass of water. If you are using nicotine gum it can be used to help you get rough these trying times).

• Take a walk, get outside.

• Take several deep, slow breaths.

• Brush your teeth.

• Take a time-out (no, not like for your child—a relaxation break).

• Take a shower or relaxing hot bath.

• Keep your hands busy (knitting, stress balls, rubbing a worry stone, etc.).

• Read a book.

• Always wait ten minutes from the time you feel the urge to smoke. It will pass.

eat a carrot rather than smoke.

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