Healthy Relationships

An essential part of maximizing both your physical and mental health is building and fostering healthy relationships. Studies have shown that people who are socially isolated have lower survival rates after heart attacks and have higher rates of psychiatric disorders, accidents, and tuberculosis. People with good social support systems are more resilient to stress and report greater satisfaction with their marriages.

The two most important building blocks for healthy relationships of any kind are good communication and good interpersonal skills. Good interpersonal skills enable us to have open and honest communication. Here are some of the essential ingredients for good interpersonal skill:

Be empathic. The ability to understand and be interested in another person's feelings and point of view. This does not mean you have to agree with it. Just acknowledge it and try to understand. This is especially important in situations where there is conflict. Both Stephen Covey and Dale Carnegie emphasize the importance of fully hearing, understanding, and being able to convey that you understand the other person's point of view if you are to win them over to yours.

Recognize that no one can make another person change. Take responsibility for your own feelings, attitudes, and behaviors rather than focusing on trying to change someone else. You will experience more personal growth with this approach and others will enjoy your company a lot more too.

Be aware that people have basic needs to be valued, appreciated, and in control of their environments. People with good interpersonal skills help others to experience these feelings. Pay attention to your interactions with other people and try to foster these feelings in others.

Practice the positive communication skills of active listening and appropriate assertiveness.

Which of these is not an essential ingredient?
Being the dominant party
You cannot make another person change.
Recognizing people have their own needs.


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