How Will I Handle Temptation?

You should know ahead of time how you'll react to temptations. Consider these possibilities:

  • Knowing that you will have occasional moments of weakness, you eliminate junk food from your home and stock up on fruits and vegetables.
  • You know that you'll be going to a restaurant with friends and everyone in your party will be ordering dessert. You plan to share dessert with friends or order the strawberries instead of the cheesecake.
  • Knowing that you're tempted to go back to old eating habits in the evening, you plan to take a long walk or enjoy a relaxing bath when impulses hit. Both of these activities will keep you away from your refrigerator while you resist the urge to act on these temptations.

Be assured that temptations will come. The trick is to plan how you will overcome them.

Write down what may tempt you to over indulge and also

write down what you can do to overcome that temptation.




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