Keeping track of what you eat on a daily basis can help you become aware of what foods you need to eat more of and what foods you should be eating less of. Use this worksheet to write down everything you eat (yes, everything!).  Then begin to analyze, either on your own or with your doctor, trainer, or other dietary consultant, how you can improve your diet.

Day and Date  ____________________________


Fat Grams

Grams of Protein

Grams of Carbs

Total Calories







































































The purpose of this worksheet is to help you decide if you may want to seek additional information or help in this area.  It is not designed to give you a diagnosis.  Only a qualified physician or mental health professional can give a diagnosis after a comprehensive evaluation.  If you have any immediate concerns about yourself or someone you know, contact your Employee Assistance Professional, Family Doctor or other trusted professional.

Ó 2002 AlignMark, Inc. All rights reserved.

If you would like any further help in this area, please feel free to post a question to our depression expert at in the Depression “Ask the Expert” area.

For additional information within LifeHub™, see all of articles, worksheets, and assessments on nutrition and exercise.

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