Keeping A Food Diary

In addition to taking your measurements when you start so that you can track your progress, it's important to take a look at what you are currently eating. Begin keeping a Food Diary before you start to change your eating habits. Write down everything that you eat and drink, including drinks, that teaspoon of sugar you put in your coffee each morning, those little hard candies you grab going past your friend's desk, and those 4 french fries off your child's plate.

At the end of each day, look at where you included healthy foods in your diet, and where you ate candies, chips, or other less healthy foods without even thinking about it. Be sure to include the serving size and the amount of fat, calories, carbohydrates and protein. "The Doctors Pocket Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter: 2002 Edition, Plus 101 Fast Food Chains and Restaurants" by Allan Borushek is a great resource for finding out just exactly what's in the food you're eating. Look for it in the Recommended Books Section of LifeHub's Nutrition Area. You can also look at the websites set up by many franchised restaurants to get nutrition information.

As you add up the numbers of calories, fats, and so forth on your food diary, you may wonder, "Ok, so what are the numbers supposed to look like? How do I know if I'm getting too much fat, too many carb's or too many calories?"

Go to the LifeHub Food Diary in the Nutrition Area to download your worksheet, and then continue on the Learning Pathway to learn what the numbers mean.


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