Challenge-Awareness-Commitment-Preparation-Action-Maintain the Gains-Celebration
Awareness For Mark

To better understand Awareness, read the dialogue below or click to hear the conversation:


Mark: Hey Sally, did you see these articles my brother Frank sent me on lowering blood pressure? After mom told him about my doctor's appointment and about my blood pressure being high he gave me a hard time and made me agree to read up on it.

Sally: That's great. What did the articles say?

Mark: Well, one of the things mentioned was exercise. So, I figured if I’m going to exercise, it might as well be fun. What do you think about taking the kids out for a bike ride on that trail next Saturday?

Sally: I think that’s a great idea! The kids would love it. Let me know if you want to start playing racquetball again. I could use the exercise too.

Narrator: Mark is 38 years old and recently found out he has high blood pressure. His older brother, who had a heart attack when he was only 43, also has high blood pressure but has made lifestyle changes since his heart attack. Although Mark was at first resistant, he agreed to look at some articles his brother emailed to him. By reading those articles from his brother, and discussing some possible changes with his wife, Mark is becoming Aware and begins to move towards making a Commitment and Preparing for Action.

Note that none of the stages are absolute. During Awareness Mark is doing some Preparation and also taking some Action. However, the primary task of this stage is still gaining the Awareness that will allow him to make a true Commitment and begin to Prepare.

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