How to be more Outgoing

Being more outgoing, or more of an extrovert when you are naturally introverted can be a frightening thought. How do those people just go up and talk to someone they don't know? How come Susan in the office down the hall is always stopping and smiling at people she doesn't even know that well?

Just like optimistic thinking, outgoing behavior gets easier with practice. Don't wait until you feel like being outgoing - just start doing it. How? Here are some pointers:

  • Act like you are more outgoing then you are. Use someone you know who is outgoing as a guide and copy their behavior.
  • Smile. Actually look up from your reports or your coffee cup as you walk down the hall, make eye contact and smile. If people aren't used to you doing this, they may give you a strange reaction at first, but just keep doing it. They will get used to it and smile back - and maybe actually say hello.
  • Act like you like people. This gets back to the smile and eye contact issue. When you put yourself out there a little, you may find that you actually do like some of the people you've been passing every day for years.
  • Join a club or organization with like minded people. Whether you like the arts, charity work, politics or animal rights - there are organizations out there where you can meet people and practice your people skills in a comfortable setting.

The interesting thing about being more outgoing is that you may find out that you like yourself better too. Becoming more comfortable around others will build your confidence and feelings of self worth, which will help you feel greater happiness in your life and more optimism for the future.

Click the arrow below to learn about some other specific things you can do to increase your happiness and emotional resilience.


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