A Basic Relaxation Technique

Cardiologist Herbert Benson has suggested a simple technique for developing your relaxation skills. One key is to develop a passive attitude. If you have distracting thoughts (and you will) just generally direct your mind back to the exercise. You will need to select a word or phrase as your mental focus device. It can be a neutral word like ‘one.’ Or you might select a religious word like ‘Amen.' Perhaps a phrase like ‘I am calm’ will work best for you. Some people actually say the first few phrases in their favorite prayer. If you are not sure, use the word 'calm,' stretch out the ‘a’ sound to make it: c-a-a-a-a-l-m.

The basic steps necessary to elicit the relaxation response are:

· Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

· Close your eyes.

· Relax your muscles.

· Breathe slowly and naturally, and as you do, repeat your focus word (e.g. calm) or phrase as you exhale.

· Assume a passive attitude. Do not worry about how well you are doing. When other thoughts come to mind, simply say to yourself, "Oh well," and gently return to the repetition. Continue for ten to twenty minutes.

After you have practiced a few times, you will find that even just ten minutes of relaxing will leave you feeling like you have been on a mini-vacation. The Benson Technique can be used by itself or together with another technique to achieve the level of relaxation you’re looking for.


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