Welcome To Relaxation

Welcome to the LifeHub Relaxation Pathway. By following this path you will learn the foundation skills for relaxation. You can build on this foundation for many weeks and months to come. We will begin by giving you an overview of the steps in the path and then you will take a simple quiz to learn more about yourself. Next you will follow the pathway. Finally we will have you print out a simple worksheet that you can use to record your first week of relaxation exercises.

We make navigation easy for you. Just click the button with the arrow pointing to the right at the bottom center of each page. On each page you will find these buttons:

This button will take you back to the first page.

This button will take you to the next learning screen.

This button will take to the very end of the Learning Pathway.

Best wishes on your journey.

This pathway will take 20 minutes.

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