Dynamics of Energy

Saturday morning on the first tee Fred hit his drive 210 yards in the short ruff to the left and The Pro hit a 300 yard drive down the middle. As they walked The Pro pointed out:

“Loehr believes that you must become a corporate athlete to make it in today’s business world. But you must avoid being one-dimensional. The key is to tap into all four sources of energy: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.”

He stopped and handed Fred a card labeled “Dynamics of Energy.” Then he continued:

“See that upper right quadrant. That is where you need to be to perform at your optimal level whether in golf or at work. You are least capable of performing when you are in the lower left quadrant. Occasionally you must spend time in the lower right to recharge your batteries.”

On the next screen you will see the card The Pro showed Fred. Study it carefully. During the course of any given day you may visit each of the four quadrants. Print out a copy and post it near your work area. As you go through the next week ask yourself “Where am I right now?”


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