Renewal of Energy

Fred finished the Par 4 in six and The Pro had a birdie. He continued:

“One great thing about golf is that you spend energy and then you rest and renew before the next shot. If you go all out all the time you will burn yourself out. You have to recharge your batteries. Great athletes plan for both spending energy and recovery. You build your capacity by exposing yourself to stress - not by hiding from it. Just as you must expose your muscles to the stress of resistance and then allow for recovery to build strength, you must build your emotional and mental capacity in just the same way according to Loehr.”

The second hole was a Par 3, 182 yard challenge through a narrow opening between the branches of trees. Fred landed in the bunker to the right and The Pro landed on the green 12 feet from the hole. As they walked he said:

“Mental endurance is the ability to sustain concentration over time. Tiger Woods is the best. He stays in concentration throughout the course. But you must also have flexibility and be able to move between the rational and the intuitive. You must be able to look at different points of view and have a wide range of emotional experience to perform well.”


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