
Now it’s time to put your plan in writing! Keep in mind that research has shown over and over that in the early stages of an exercise program keeping records is absolutely essential. It is not a frill or an extra. It is essential for your success. LifeHub will help you with that.

In the screens that follow you will find forms you can print out to help you develop and manage your plan.

Begin with the 'Checklist For Starting Your Fitness Program.' Print it, make notes for yourself and then simply check off the items as you complete them. Be sure to start with your physician particularly if you are over 40.

As you are building your plan note the 'Calories Burned Per 30 Minutes of Exercise.' You might be surprised at some of the items.

To avoid injuries and frustration print out the 'Rules For Stretching' and post them where you can see them. Stretch before and after you exercise.

Using our 'Exercise Plan Form' insert which exercises you have chosen and use the form to track your progress.

The 'Exercise Log' can be used to track your progress in strengthening exercises.

If you have a weight loss goal you can use the 'Weight Loss Journal' to keep track of your progress.

Use the 'Cardiovascular Fitness Guidelines' to help you plan aerobic activity.

Remember that 20 minutes of aerobic exercise is a goal, not a place to start if you’re a beginner. A Sample Beginner Exercise Plan can include ten minutes of walking the dog in the morning, ten minutes of walking in the mall at lunch; Lifting weights on Mondays and Thursdays at the YMCA; and 5 minutes of stretching in the evening before bed. The idea is to start where you are comfortable and then track your progress as you increase the duration and intensity of your workout.

Congratulations! You’re ready for Action.


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