Why Be Fit?

When you are fit, you feel better. You don’t huff and puff going up the stairs. Instead, you can climb them with ease while carrying on a conversation. You have more energy to go places and do things. Your body not only feels better but it looks better. Your muscles are firmer and your waistline is smaller. Your skin even looks better because your circulation is improved. When you enter a room, you do so with more confidence because you feel good about yourself. You feel strong, confident, attractive, and capable. Fit people have better sex. Everyday issues don’t stress you out because your body's systems are geared to handle the real but healthy stress of aerobic exercise. You are generally a more relaxed, pleasant person.

Your family and friends will notice a change too. People will comment that you’ve lost weight and look great. Your family will notice that you’re in a better mood and are having more fun. Your good mood will be contagious to those around you. Your doctor will be pleased with your lowered blood pressure and improved cholesterol. Your still sedentary friends may even be motivated to join you so that they can keep up! People who don’t know you will see you as a healthy, self-confident person that they would like to get to know.

When you are fit, your concentration and memory are better. You think faster because there is more oxygen getting to your brain. Your work performance improves because of both your increased brain power and your increased self-esteem. The more you exercise, even if you start with very small changes, the more you will see improvements in your physical performance. These improvements make it easier for you to push yourself to make more gains. A very positive cycle of personal improvement has begun.


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