Mark Prepares

Mark and Sally spent some time checking out the offerings on LifeHub that evening. They learned that if Mark was going to be successful in improving his health, one of the keys would be good preparation. Mark liked the information on Stress and Exercise, and Sally was interested in the Nutrition information. They decided to do the Nutrition Pathway together, and Mark would spend time on the Relaxation and Exercise Pathways learning more and developing his plan for change.

Mark learned on the Relaxation Pathway that he was letting his tension build up all day at work. He made a Relaxation Plan to help him cope better with the stresses at work. He also learned, through the Stress, Exercise and Nutrition areas, how important exercise is both for losing weight and for dealing with stressful situations. Mark decides to join a gym near their home and take advantage of the free personal training sessions they offer with membership. He includes his sessions at the gym in his planner book as appointments with as much importance as meetings at work.

Mark knows that eating better is going to be the hardest thing for him so he decides to start conservatively. He and Sally decide together that she will help out by buying healthier foods for home and Mark makes a plan for healthier substitutions when he eats lunch out. For example, grilled chicken sandwiches instead of cheeseburgers, and limiting the chicken wing lunches to Fridays.

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