Community Involvement

Too often, the demands of every day life make us forget what is going on outside of our own little worlds. And, that can make our own little worlds take on an importance that can make even the most trivial event seem catastrophic if it hits us the wrong way.

One of the best ways to maintain a balanced perspective, and a great way to meet new people and practice good people skills, is by getting involved in your community.

There are many ways to do this. Some suggestions include:

  • Getting more involved in a church, synagogue or temple you already attend - whether regularly or not.
  • Join a club or civic organization. The Jaycees, Elks, Moose, and other civic organizations offer opportunities for both purely social and charitable activities.
  • Help out a non-profit organization. Habitat for Humanity helps to build houses for families and individuals who otherwise could not afford adequate housing. The Heart Association, Alzheimer's Association and others sponsor "walks" and other fund raising events to raise awareness. Many also offer volunteer opportunities to help out those affected by disease or hardship.
  • Become a mentor or school volunteer. Whether you have school aged children or not, school systems need people to help with a variety of tasks. Whether it's helping tutor children who are having difficulty learning to read, or helping out in the media center during a book fair, every little bit helps.
  • Help out at a homeless shelter or thrift shop.

Whatever it is you choose, helping others can be relationship enhancing in many ways. It can help you improve your own relating skills, and if you choose to engage in volunteering with your partner, friend and/or children, it can also strengthen those relationships.

Click the arrow below for a summary and resources for where to learn more about volunteering.









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